Bed-Stuy West

With beautiful, tree lined streets, rows of brownstones, summer BBQ block parties and avenues bustling until the early morning hours, Bed-Stuy is charming and vibrant. Its richness lies in the incredible diversity of both its long time residents and the recent newcomers. Together, they make Bed-Stuy feel like an authentic NYC neighborhood, complete with kids dunking on concrete basketball courts, dog walkers, calls to prayer, colorful African Caribbean dresses, open flea markets, mega-laundromats and hidden restaurant gems.

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Peace and RIOT

492 Nostrand Avenue
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Tastefully curated and owned by a couple of interior designers, Peace and RIOT is a home decor boutique very much at place in the vivid community of Bed-Stuy. Inspired by African Caribbean heritage as well as the dynamic contemporary tastes, this beautifully designed space is sure to inspire.

Peace and RIOT
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Peace and RIOT
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Peace and RIOT
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Peace and RIOT
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Peace and RIOT
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Peace and RIOT
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Peace and RIOT
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Peace and RIOT
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Peace and RIOT
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Peace and RIOT
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56 Degrees Liquors

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