
The Athens of the West, the Portland of Kentucky, the Horse Capitol of the World – to those who live and travel here, Lexington is always home. With pristine countryside and eclectic urban areas, this place has something for everyone. Experience quintessential Kentucky: bourbon, horses, and basketball. Or get off the beaten track to experience unique Lexington: madcap dive bars, intimate art galleries, and the rarest sneakers for miles. One visit, and you will join the ranks of Lexington evangelists. Get over here and get converted.

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Centre Pit

369 West Vine Street
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In 2009, a downtown city block was razed to make room for a 35-story high-rise, mixed-used monstrosity. Seven years and countless architects later, this block is now a pit in the center of the city. You will not be able to miss the blasted out crevice – it’s a Lexington landmark.

Centre Pit
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Centre Pit
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Centre Pit
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Centre Pit
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Centre Pit
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Centre Pit
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