Less about glitz and glam and better known for its low-key working class attitude, Burbank has a family friendly affordable nature. Crafty restaurants sit side-by-side with auto-repair and vintage shops in this amalgamated town born from the aviation and film industries. It promises a well-rounded casual neighborhood with a little something for everyone.
Fabulously Comfortable Wine Bar with Excellent Service for the Curious Wino and Foodie
Vintage Lunchboxes, Star Wars Toys and a great supply of Antique Typewriters!
The Little Dinette than Could
Ice cream at Quenelle is so good that you'll be lucky to find standing room in this adorable little parlor. Flavors stick around for as long as one batch lasts, while a handful of favorites are reliable regulars. New intriguing tastes like Minty Melon sorbet are added daily, so theoretically you could have a different flavor everyday for years. Served on a stick, in a cup or a homemade waffle cone, stand-out winners like blueberry pie are unbelievably good. The key-lime pie and apple pie ice cream bars are crunchy cold versions of their tin pan cousins, and to top off your visit - you can enjoy endless taste tests.
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