El Segundo

Known affectionately by residents and local media as the "Mayberry by the Sea"– or known not at all! While many people have heard the old Tribe Called Quest song "I Left My Wallet in El Segundo", try asking them to find it on a map. What El Segundo really is, is LA's best kept secret. A haven of locally owned shops and bars that has been gloriously frozen in time.

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The Strand at ES Beach

12501 Vista Del Mar
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In the wise words of Taylor Swift, "haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate..." Okay, so El Segundo isn't technically a 'beach city' (no resident of ES can claim 'beachside property'), but we have a beach! So hate all you want, but while you visit our stretch of beach, make sure to visit the new cafe and enjoy the scenery.

The Strand at ES Beach
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The Strand at ES Beach
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The Strand at ES Beach
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The Strand at ES Beach
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The Strand at ES Beach
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The Strand at ES Beach
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The Strand at ES Beach
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The Strand at ES Beach
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The Strand at ES Beach
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Beach Mex

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