St. Anthony Park

An evolving former industrial zone, the St. Anthony Park neighborhood is now home to a slew of artists and independent businesses. Easily accessible by the recently completed lightrail (green line), it’s the perfect place to grab lunch and spend the afternoon record store moseying.

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Twin Cities Reptile

2363 University Avenue West
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Maybe you've got a reptile friend that needs some new decor, maybe you're looking for a new amphibious roommate, either way, they've got you covered. Turtles, lizards, spiders, things we can't identify, they're all available for purchase here. Stop in after a romantic meal at Caffe Biaggio for perhaps the weirdest date ever.

Twin Cities Reptile
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Twin Cities Reptile
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Twin Cities Reptile
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Twin Cities Reptile
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Twin Cities Reptile
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Twin Cities Reptile
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Twin Cities Reptile
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The Dubliner Pub

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