
The geographic beating heart of The City and the center of many a gay movement beams bright with fabulous people and all things a discerning eye would find either aesthetically pleasing or eye opening. A visual feast awaits you.

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Café Flore

2298 Market Street
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Back in the day the neighborhood fondly referred to this garden cafe, bar, restaurant, community space and sometimes nightclub as "Cafe Hairdo". Established in 1973, it was the original place to be seen, under a tin roof, surrounded by vintage Finnish decor or outside within the wraparound patio. The abundance of windows, skylights and plants make it the cafe with a greenhouse feel — a coolhouse with a disco ball and fanciful gigantic double doors.

Café Flore
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Café Flore
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Café Flore
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Café Flore
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Café Flore
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Café Flore
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Café Flore
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Café Flore
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Café Flore
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Harvey Milk's Camera Shop / HRC

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