With two large bronze griffins guarding the front entrance, Lillian H. Smith is not your typical library. In fact, it has two exceptional world-class collections in science fiction and rare children's books. The Merril Collection of Science Fiction features a remarkable collection of 57,000+ items including out of print materials, original sci-fi and fantasy art and the first edition of Bram Stoker’s Dracula. The Osborne Collection of Children's literature is so impressive that J.K. Rowling and Empress Michiko of Japan took time to tour the collection. This section of the library, located on the very top floor, holds a large volume of early and first editions of many modern children's classics. In addition, it features special exhibits all year round such as the 150th anniversary celebration of Alice in Wonderland. Before you leave, be sure to peek through the microscope to see the world’s tiniest book!
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