Watergraafsmeer & Indische Buurt

This cool area of Amsterdam has increased in popularity big time over the last years. Lots of cool bars and restaurants are opening up and little boutiques pop up as fast and easy as the wind. Drink a beer with the locals, enjoy the multicultural cuisines and be amazed about what this neighborhood has to offer.

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Bar Basquiat

88-90 Javastraat
Visit Website

This bar in the middle of the Javastreet in Amsterdam was inspired by the American artist Jean-Michel Basquiat. So only to view the interior with lots of art Bar Basquiat is worth a visit. During the day they serves breakfast and lunch, but don't forget to come along at night as they have nice drinks and real Dutch 'gezelligheid'.

Bar Basquiat
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Bar Basquiat
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Bar Basquiat
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Bar Basquiat
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Bar Basquiat
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Bar Basquiat
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Bar Joost

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