Watergraafsmeer & Indische Buurt

This cool area of Amsterdam has increased in popularity big time over the last years. Lots of cool bars and restaurants are opening up and little boutiques pop up as fast and easy as the wind. Drink a beer with the locals, enjoy the multicultural cuisines and be amazed about what this neighborhood has to offer.

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Hartje Oost

23 Javastraat
Visit Website

A little coffee boutique in the heart of the Indische Buurt. Here you can shop while you take your lunch. The friendly staff is always of good help and don't forget to try some of their cakes, it's delicious.

Hartje Oost
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Hartje Oost
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Hartje Oost
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Hartje Oost
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Hartje Oost
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Hartje Oost
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Hartje Oost
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Bar Basquiat

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