Wan Chai

Sitting on the north shore of Hong Kong, Wan Chai (literally translated as “small cove”) was one of the first developed areas on the island. Densely populated, and bounded by Canal Road to the east, Arsenal Street west and Bowen Road to the north, the neighbourhood gained infamy as Hong Kong’s red light district. The go-go bars along Lockhart Road are a testament to its seedier past, but modern day Wan Chai offers much more than company for lonely sailors. With a thriving restaurant scene, more coffee shops than you can shake a stir stick at, and a unique mix of old and new, it’s a neighbourhood that offers enough to fill both your Saturday night and Sunday morning.

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Capital Cafe

6 Heard Street

Possibly the best spot to grab a local breakfast this side of the island. If you're jonesing for fluffy scrambled eggs on fluffy white toast but don't want to trek over the Harbour to Jordan's Aussie Dairy Co.—HK's undisputed breakfast king—then Capital Cafe is your best bet.

Capital Cafe
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Capital Cafe
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Capital Cafe
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Capital Cafe
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Capital Cafe
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Capital Cafe
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Capital Cafe
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Capital Cafe
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