Speicherstadt & Hafencity

There are still a few buildings used as warehouses for carpets, coffee, tea and spices. However the warehouse district that was once built up as a customs free area called Speicherstadt, nowadays houses mainly museums, restaurants and offices. In the last few years many creative agencies have been attracted by the charm of its red brick buildings, and have moved to this historical harbour, built around a series of narrow canals. It sits right next to the gleaming glass and steel of the modern HafenCity, Europe's largest urban renewal development project.

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Hanseatische Materialverwaltung

41 Stockmeyerstraße
Visit Website

If you need any material or prop for your next project and are short on money the Hanseatische Materialverwaltung (hanseatic administration of materials) is the place to go. The old warehouse is stuffed from top to bottom with any props, objects and oddities you can think about. The staff is super friendly and will help you navigate and find things in the big hall. But the most likable aspect is the concept behind it. They act on a very social and ecological agenda. All their inventory is rescued from the dump or donated before movie or theatre productions throw it away. They maintain low prices so especially schools, artists, students or social institutions can realize their ideas and projects.

Hanseatische Materialverwaltung
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Hanseatische Materialverwaltung
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Hanseatische Materialverwaltung
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Hanseatische Materialverwaltung
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Hanseatische Materialverwaltung
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Hanseatische Materialverwaltung
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Hanseatische Materialverwaltung
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Hanseatische Materialverwaltung
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Hanseatische Materialverwaltung
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Hanseatische Materialverwaltung
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Hanseatische Materialverwaltung
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Hanseatische Materialverwaltung
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Hanseatische Materialverwaltung
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Hanseatische Materialverwaltung
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Oldtimer Tankstelle Brandshof

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