Founded in 1781, the oldest of all the L.A. neighborhoods, Downtown Los Angeles also seems to be the newest because of the accelerated urban revitalization and rapidly growing skyline. While we're living and working here, we are witness to Downtown's second golden age, revealing cultural shifts, design cues and typography trends reminiscent of the city's first golden age in city living, speakeasies, sign painting, craft cocktails, public transit and more.
Pizza that tastes like New Orleans.
It's like a visual candy store for designers, and well literally, a candy store for everyone else.
The Original Pantry Cafe has been around since 1924, but seems old because their site is designed in Flash. That's okay, once you get there, you'll see why people line up around the building for a mediocre breakfast at three in the morning. Open 24 hours continuously since 1924, once you get in, you're transported back to the 1920's once you sit down and take a bite. It's an L.A. institution. The food is greasy but perfect for those late nights (or early mornings). And like Los Angeles itself, you'll see that the cafe is nothing spectacular, it's mostly famous for being famous.
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