Commercial Drive

Where to begin with describing the Drive? It's brash. It's got opinions. The pedestrians are anything but and will walk into the street as if every day is Car Free Day. Located in Vancouver's east side, the neighbourhood officially known as Grandview-Woodland has been the nexus of a wide variety of different ethnic and cultural groups since its heyday as a Vancouver's counter-culture scene. Since then it has seen waves of first Italian, then Portuguese, Latin American and East Asian immigrants settling and making the neighbourhood home. It's not so much a melting pot and more of a Jackson Pollock painting with each blob of paint be it Chinese, Ethiopian, lesbian, or crust-punk adding its own unique voice and presence to a larger whole.

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2054 Commercial Drive
Visit Website

I'm generally pretty sceptical when a business claims to be the best at something, especially as brazenly as putting it on the awning of your storefront as is the case with Kishimoto. However, this quaint little gem of a Japanese eatery might just have me convinced otherwise. Everything from here is prepared with the utmost attention to detail from the highest quality ingredients and plated in lavish arrangements. The square shaped nigiri sushi and the matsutake tempura are favourites of mine, as is the grilled mackerel when available. Get there early with your whole party present as the line up can be long and you won't be seated if you don't have everyone there.

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Attic Treasures

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