Ten years ago, SOBRO didn't exist. Well, technically, it did exist and was SOuth of BROadway (stolen from NYC's SOHO and DUMBO), but it didn't have half the places that now call SOBRO their home. Now, SOBRO has a sweet new roundabout with a controversial art piece made of poles, Nashville's shiny new convention center, multiple huge hotels and hi-rise condos. A few original stalwarts of SOBRO include 3rd & Lindsley, Hot Diggity Dog, Rocketown and Sixth Ave. The roots of these places run deep and stand the test of time and expansion. This is the perfect place for folks that like to wine and dine and to also find soul and the spirit of our fine city. It's quite the spattering of places. It used to be full of industrial bearing, lighting, electric motor car business and some pretty cool TM crew graffiti honoring country music legends and OG's (Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, and Waylon Jennings). Even our street art has a country twist.

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Third Man Records

623 7th Avenue South
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This is my personal favorite place to catch a show in town. It's a four-headed hydra that encompasses the world headquarters for Jack White's record label, a vinyl record shop, venue, and recording studio. While catching a show,you'll have the chance to have your voice immortalized as crowd noise in vinyl. Be sure to fight every urge that comes over you to shout Freebird. That's very lame and only funny in your head. It's probably a destination venue for your favorite touring act and you don't even know it. Every show is recorded live-to-acetate for a live album release of the performance on Third Man's record label. It fights the good fight against digital music and constantly reminds you that your record player's not dead. It's gnarly loud, so if the band you're seeing get's heavy, you're probably gonna need some ear plugs. The 89-year-old you will thank you, at the same time trying to assimilate you because they're a cyborg from the future trying to destroy mankind.

Third Man Records
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Third Man Records
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Third Man Records
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Third Man Records
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Third Man Records
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Third Man Records
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Third Man Records
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Third Man Records
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Plaza Artist Materials & Picture Framing

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