
Welcome to the west. The vital community of Footscray is often reduced to lazy evaluations of cheap rent, cheap food and the impending doom of gentrification. Through a fairer and meaningful view, you will find an inclusive area where inner-city living is at its realest, as has been for a long time. In a short single block you can find a university, an Ethiopian restaurant, a new bar & gallery, an Asylum Seeker Resource Centre, an organic produce co-op and a DIY community space. A conflicting place, impossible to pin down in one paragraph. Footscray was built on the stolen traditional lands of the Woiwurrung and Boonwurrung people of the Kulin nation.

All photography by: Gianna Rizzo

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Footscray Market

18 Irving Street

In contrast to the nearby Little Saigon Market, which was also due to be featured amongst Footscray’s landmarks before it was tragically destroyed by fire – Footscray Market is by no means a hidden gem. Iconic would be a more apt description. Take their gloriously 90’s logo plastered on all sides of the building for example. Stepping inside is continuously claimed to be an experience akin to time travel. It’s a fair call. The grimy halls lead you to many nooks where you find the real gold. The fruit & veg stalls are hit & miss at times (and the food-miles are questionable.) Regardless, it’s still pretty thrilling to buy lychees, plantains and mangoes with your loose change. The food court boasts a throwback design of perfectly-aligned circular tables and stools that you won’t find in the air-conditioned nightmare of modern shopping centres. Here you can grab a plate of fluorescent noodles from the creatively-named ‘Asian Food’. On the way out pick-up some fresh fish, imported Mexican chillies and a lacey pair of panties. Photography by Gianna Rizzo.

Footscray Market
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Footscray Market
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Footscray Market
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Footscray Market
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Footscray Market
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Footscray Market
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Footscray Market
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Footscray Market
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Footscray Market
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Gift Shop

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