
Welcome to the west. The vital community of Footscray is often reduced to lazy evaluations of cheap rent, cheap food and the impending doom of gentrification. Through a fairer and meaningful view, you will find an inclusive area where inner-city living is at its realest, as has been for a long time. In a short single block you can find a university, an Ethiopian restaurant, a new bar & gallery, an Asylum Seeker Resource Centre, an organic produce co-op and a DIY community space. A conflicting place, impossible to pin down in one paragraph. Footscray was built on the stolen traditional lands of the Woiwurrung and Boonwurrung people of the Kulin nation.

All photography by: Gianna Rizzo

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Nhu Lan Bakery

116 Hopkins Street

Visiting Nhu Lan is as much a cult food-experience as it is a thrilling exhibition of food prep and organisational skills. Witnessing a Vietnamese roll being assembled by 1 of the 173 staff behind the counter will make even the most efficient person feel like a disorganised sloth. You’re here for one thing though; bánh mì. The extensively-written-about pork rolls consistently come in at the top end of “best bánh mì” lists around Melbourne, so let's focus on the quiet-achieving tofu offering instead. Locals will forever passionately debate (ie. throw tantrums) over who produces a better tofu bánh mì; Nhu Lan or To’s. For us, Nhu Lan wins hands-down. The lemongrass, the sauce, the crispy rolls, the fried onion. It’s a masterpiece. Add a can of 100 Plus and you’ve got yourself the unofficial Footscray Meal-Deal. Don’t be thrown off by the perpetual sardine-can “line”, just jump in and join the ride. Photography by Gianna Rizzo.

Nhu Lan Bakery
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Nhu Lan Bakery
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Nhu Lan Bakery
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Nhu Lan Bakery
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Nhu Lan Bakery
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CDLS Paramount Pots

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